Barkley Academy is the nickname we give to our canine immersion program. This isn't obedience training, or training to roll over, it's helping the mental health of your dogs. We don't want to see dogs who's anxiety and fear results in them being aggressive or moody towards others. They aren't born to be that way, and they don't want to be that way, they just don't know any better. We take dogs who have limited experience with others, fear of others, or other behavioral issues and we immerse them in an environment of love and respect with our family and our other guest dogs to show them how to behave in a way that can bring them a stress free life. This page is to showcase our graduates, those pups that we're so proud of, and so happy to see grow in a positive direction.

Beasley was introduced to us as a dog who would bite at anyone who tried to touch him near his hind quarters, who would bark at anyone coming near, and a variety of other behavioral issues. It was clear on first meeting him that he wasn't a mean animal, he was just scared, and the world was too confusing. We spent a week with Beasly and as of writing this he's on his way back home. He's returning home a dog that loves laying on your lap, being pet all over the place, and will play well with others whether its dinner time, walk time, or fetch time. No anger, no fear, just joy to be alive. The way all pups should be.